Collection: KITS

The right blend and kit for the occassions we feel most important and helpful. All of our kits and blends are associated with our online training programmes. You can choose to purchase them individually or as part of the training. 

Herbal Water Buffet Kit, includes FREE our book 'The Essential Guide to Herbal Water Buffets. A prelude to innate selection and a starting point for choice.

Fireworks, Fear & Loud Noises Kit. A must have for all anxious and fearful animals. Includes FREE training video giving you the know how and downloadable pdfs

Plant Energies for Animal Communication Kits. To order in conjunction with our PLant Energies for Animal Communication training. 

Seasonal Herbal Boxes of Goodness: Each carefully crafted to bring your animal into the natural rhythm of the seasons and restore their health and vitality.