Latin Name: Equisetum arvense
Parts Used: Leaves
A truly ancient herb, dating back some 300 million years.
A traditional would healer, it has many useful actions, both physically and energetically.
It is astringent, diuretic and a vulnerary herb, it helps strengthen connective tissues as well as bones, teeth hair and nails. High in Zinc, this restorative herb can be helpful with arthritic and degenerative conditions including osteoporosis, arthritis and ankylosing.
Equisetum is helpful for conditions of the lungs such as copd and fibrosis as well as conditions of the urinary system and kidneys such as incontinence and weak bladder.
Energetically it is cooling dry and bitter and said to enhance the connection during inter species communication.
Horsetail is a staunch for bleeding and useful as a traditional wound healer. It is anodyne, antihemorrhagic, antiseptic, carminative, diaphoretic, galactagogue and haemostatic.